Illegal Immigration: Dennis Michael Lynch Engages Audience in Cincinnati

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September 10, 2013 by Admin

On Tuesday evening, August 20, filmmaker Dennis Michael Lynch wowed a Cincinnati audience of about 200 with remarks on why illegal immigration is bad for America.  illegal-immigrants3Interspersing his 90-minute, factual presentation with clips from his latest movies, Lynch admitted he was touring the country prior to the House of Representatives’ discussions of comprehensive immigration reform to expose the fallacies of the Senate’s Gang of Eight plan. Additionally, he wants to educate and motivate his audiences to block further progress on this type of legislation.  Blocking this national program would benefit Americans everywhere, and not just those on the borders.

Dennis_Michael_Lynch_talks_They_Come_to_105973811_thumbnailLynch, a New Yorker with clean-cut, good looks, was the youngest person to win Ernst and Young’s award for entrepreneurs.  At the age of only 24, Lynch boasted 250 employees in his computer company.  He could start a large business venture at such a young age because he never finished college.  In fact, he proudly proclaims that he’s a five-time college dropout with a 500 SL Mercedes with the intentionally misspelled license plate:  “No Colege.”

As a neighbor of Fox and Friends’ host Brian Kilmeade, Lynch was able to get a spot on the morning program and explain why the U.S. southern border was not as secure as Sen. John McCain and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano claimed it to be.  bordersign_zps102f4a1cLynch also was able to school Rep. Peter King on eight emergency signs posted in border locations and written in three languages – English, Spanish, and Chinese.  The signs, that advise the illegal aliens to remain in the area because help will be forthcoming, also dispense water to those awaiting help.  Rep. King, who views the Chinese as America’s most significant opponent, was not aware that Chinese people were among the illegals entering the country.  There would be no reason to have these signs translated into Chinese unless there were actually speakers of that language coming across the border.  In other words, the American people and even legislators entrusted with keeping the country safe from foreign attacks are not privy to all the information that this administration knows about border security or the lack thereof.

Lynch explained that the Dream Act should never pass Congress as long as it allows “chain migration.”  That term means that anyone granted amnesty will be allowed to bring his/her extended family members to the United States.  Getting 11 million illegal aliens out of the shadows may actually be more akin to bringing 20, 30 or even 40 million people into the United States.  chain immigrationAccording to Lynch, President Ronald Reagan thought there were only 1 million illegals getting amnesty back in 1986, whereas the actual number turned out to be 4 million.  Part of that discrepancy may have been a result of chain migration.

Lynch also remarked that, after all is said and done, President Obama’s signature piece of legislation may not be the Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare.”  Future Congresses can tinker with the specifics of this legislation or even overturn its provisions, but real, lasting change is 40 million new, likely Democratic voters that would result from enacting amnesty within comprehensive immigration reform.  If this were to happen nationwide as it did in California, Republicans would be hard-pressed to win another election.  If the new immigrants begin to vote themselves new benefits and special treatment at the expense of others, they would forever be indebted to the welfare state.

open-bordersBut Ohio is not a border state.  Why should anyone be concerned about states such as this?  Lynch provided two main reasons.  First, to protect Americans from unfair job competition and second, the national security of this country.

To protect Americans from unfair job competition, the H1B Visa system needs to be revamped.  Currently, American businesses are lamenting the lack of trained workers in the computer and engineering disciplines. In his opinion, this CEO refrain is bogus.  H1-B-Work-Visa-305x270What Lynch believes is actually occurring is American companies are paying H1B Visa holders less than they would naturalized citizens, resulting in increased profit margins.  Some indications are that the work done by illegal immigrants undercuts 20 million American workers.  Not only are job opportunities being impacted, but also the actual wages and benefits are being reduced.

Another way to protect Americans from unfair job competition would be to eliminate the jobs advantage that illegals workers get under upcoming Obamacare provisions.  Since they would not be eligible for employee health care benefits and would not be subject to $5,000 fines for non-coverage, employers could hire illegal workers for less money and fewer benefits than they could hire legal workers.

gang of eightLynch also wants to alert his fellow countrymen to the dangers of non-secure borders.  As someone who saw several fellow New Yorkers jump to their deaths on 9/11/2001, Lynch worries that future 9/11’s are “not a matter of if, but when.”  Shortly after President Obama gave his 2013 State of the Union Address about how the sequester would adversely affect federal operations, 2,000 incarcerated illegal aliens were released from federal prisons.  Americans who were near the end of their sentences were left behind bars.

they_come_to_americaNon-secure borders could also allow those with sinister motives into the country.  Lynch played a movie clip that featured an Islamic leader bragging that four pounds of anthrax in a suitcase could kill 330,000 Americans in an hour without the need for airplanes, flight lessons, or other expensive equipment.  Any American city is ripe for a terrorist attack.  Central Ohioans will recall that a Somalian Nuradin Abdi was charged with plotting to bomb a Columbus-area shopping mall back in 2004.

illegal-immigration-is-a-crimeLynch’s passion is to get current immigration laws enforced.  He believes there is no need for another amnesty piece of legislation to repeat what President Reagan signed almost three decades ago.

As demonstrated above, illegal immigration is the most important issue in the country, yet conservatives are at a disadvantage.  The conservative argument about immigration gets very little play in the national media.

To combat these great odds, Lynch recommends:

1.  Call your U.S. House member as they are returning to Washington after recess.  Don’t use e-mail, because aides don’t have to answer those pieces of correspondence immediately.  Ask your Representative about his/her stand on illegal immigration.  Emphasize that current immigration laws are not being enforced, so the creation of additional laws is pointless.

they come to america-22.  Give out copies of Lynch’s films to others.  The visual images are needed to get additional support for the non-amnesty viewpoint.  Go to to order copies of his two films at reasonable prices.

3.  While at, signup for “Lynch’s alerts” .  Subscribers will get state-specific advice about actions they can take to halt over-reaching immigration reform.

ellis island 1892_small_fullsize4.  Learn to speak to those with different viewpoints.  When Lynch visited Rep. Peter King, the filmmaker didn’t immediately show the legislator the upsetting pictures of the Chinese language emergency signs.  Instead, he broached the subject after talking briefly about another topic the two had in common.  Lynch saw the need to lessen the hostility between Democrats and Republicans.  We are all in this together.

<> on June 27, 2012 in Los Angeles, California.5.  Teach children to love America once again.  Patriotism went out of style in the late 1980’s.  Freedom is special and rare.  Lynch offered, “If we forget what we did, we won’t remember who we are.”  Americans must heal their broken spirits.  It will take a mixture of toughness and compassion to get the country’s spirit back, which is exactly what it will take to solve the illegal immigration dilemma.

We need to do our part and do what is needed to keep America strong.

Special thanks to C. Bicking and the Blue Blog editorial staff for their contribution to this article.

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